Positive Outcomes
In order to deliver “Outstanding” in this area we measure performance on all those aspects that maximise the chances of improved outcomes and provide the earliest possible intervention when things are not going so well. This ultimately helps us to identify consistent success outside of Ofsted inspections.
Measuring Impact and Outcomes
Our overall objective is for every one of our homes to reach an “Outstanding” Ofsted rating in each of their inspections. This will not simply be a ‘tick box’ exercise, as we believe there will be a direct correlation between Outstanding ratings and the quality outcomes for the children and young people.
Quality Assurance processes are completed by way of independent monthly Regulation 44 visit. These reports are provided to the placing Local Authority and Ofsted. Any actions identified from these reports are swiftly and robustly addressed.
The home provide a monthly overview and update to each child or young person’s social worker.
Registered managers complete Regulation 45 reports for auditing purposes and these are fed into a twice-yearly internal governance process.
We also report weekly to service directors to ensure we are identifying and addressing any areas of concern as quickly as possible.
Our core focus is to work to meet the needs of children and young people with complex issues. Every child and young person has their own specific and varying needs but a common thread is that they have all experienced adverse childhood situations which have impacted on their development and, as a result, how they communicate and behave.
By supporting children and young people holistically, we help guide them through their own emotional discovery that empowers them to re-engage in meaningful, supportive and nurturing learning programmes.
Our homes provide an environment in which therapeutic approaches can flourish. The staff in each home understand and promote the development of these behaviours in the service delivery to support the development of this environment. As part of our culture these behaviours will be modelled throughout all levels of the organisation and be part of the professional development process from the point of induction for all staff.
Approach to Care